2021-22 At a Glance


Planned EuroMayenne Monthly Activities

  • Subject to change.
  • For further details of the whole year click here.
  • Full final details of each activity will be published at least one month in advance.
MonthDay / DateActivityOrganiser
SeptemberSaturday 25thVisit to Château & Exhibition (Mayenne)Nicole Devel-Laigle
OctoberSaturday 9th Visit to Cathedral & Les Cordeliers Church (Laval) – cancelled due to insufficient participantsValérie Masserot
NovemberSaturday 6thEuroMayenne AGM & 30th AnniversaryLynn Chesters
DecemberFriday 3rd
Friday 10th
EuroMayenne Annual Dinner (Moulay)
Christmas Carols Evening (Mayenne) – cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions
Pam Davies
Lynn Chesters
JanuaryThursday 6th
Friday 21st 
Galette des Rois, La Visitation (Mayenne) – cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions
EuroMayenne Quiz Evening (Mayenne) – cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions
Paul & Eileen Climance 
Nicole Devel-Laigle
FebruarySaturday 19th
26th – date change
Visit to Eco-Museum (Madré)Pam Davies
MarchSaturday 19thVisit to Slate Museum (Renazé)Armelle Jamelot
AprilSaturday 23rdVisit to Ecouvres Wildlife Park (Le Bouillon)Lynn Chesters
MaySaturday 14thGuided Visit to Historic VitréPam Davies
JuneSunday 5th
Saturday 25th
Plant Swap & BBQ (Mayenne)
Walk across the Bay (Mont-St-Michel)
Lynn Chesters
Paul Punchard
JulySaturday 9thTen Pin Bowling and Chinese mealLynn Chester
August Sunday 14thLive Show in open-air theatre (Athée)Armelle Jamelot

Contact details of the organisers

CHESTERS Lynn02 43 02 57 71contact@euromayenne.org
CLIMANCE Eileen & Paul02 43 00 63 85president@euromayenne.org
DAVIES Pam02 43 00 87 17contact@euromayenne.org
DEVEL-LAIGLE Nicole06 73 71 96 52president@euromayenne.org
MASSEROT  Valérie02 43 26 05 31masserot.valerie@orange.fr
JAMELOT Armelle02 43 53 86 70ajamelot@orange.fr

View the year on a map

Click on the icon to the left of the title “2021-2022 outings/sorties” for a listing, or simply on a marker on the map


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