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EuroMayenne was founded in 1991 by a small group of Mayennais who saw the need to help those moving into the department to integrate with the locals.

Our association has presently over 200 members. About two thirds are Brisith / Anglophone with a mix of those still working and those who have retired; and the other third are French who enjoy being able to socialise internationally whilst on home territory.

Even if your command of French is close to zero, you will be sure to find other English speakers, whether as their mother tongue or the French keen to practise their verbal skills!

Our Executive Committee is composed of volunteers elected every year who organise:

  • Weekly French Language lessons for beginners and those who already have some knowledge of the language
  • Informal French-English Conversations Workshops
  • Monthly Tea meeting in Mayenne
  • An Annual Programme of Activities such as outings to local attractions, an annual dinner-dance, BBQs, plant swap and social evenings.
  • A network of volunteers who are there to help any member in their hour of need for with short-term practical help.

Also within the Association are special interest groups, organised by members, covering rambling, craft-work, gardening, reading and cinema.

Members receive a monthly reminder of forthcoming events and activities.

Click on ” Calendar ” in the Information section to see it at any time.

If you need more information, please contact our President

Nicole Devel-Laigle – – president@nicole-devel-laigleuromayenne.org

If you are not yet a member, we hope that you will join us !

Click here for a Membership Form in Word® format which you can complete on line using your keyboard, then print it.  
Or here for a Membership Form in PDF which should be printed then completed (in capital letters please).


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