We are a group of 6 amateurs who love to paint in watercolours. We meet at the home our teacher, Marja, for eight week practical courses.
Marja will help you in English or in French, so no need to worry about understanding what you are being taught!
Every Tuesday during the 8 week course, from 10.00 until 12.00.
Price €5 per lesson for a course of 8 lessons.
Please bring a cheque or cash on your first lesson for the full €40.
Each person to bring along 2 watercolour brushes, sizes either 6 and 10, or 7 and 12
(The better the quality the better the results you will have!) All other materials will be supplied.
Here we are on the banks of the Mayenne near Montflours in July 2013
Because of lack of space, and as this is very individual tuition, numbers are limited to six, and there is a waiting list to join the classes.
If you could like to add your name to the list, please contact:
Marja Bras 02 43 98 13 31 marjabras@gmail.com