April 2016 – Planetarium (2)
A Planetarium in Mayenne
– a second showing
on 15 April.
A planetarium show especially for EuroMayenne members.
A repeat of the February event.
See and hear the night sky explained!
7:00 Dinner (optional)
9:00 Planetarium show
10:00 Telescope view of the sky (cloud cover permitting)
What & Where
The private dining room at Bistrot d’Alsace (Hotel les Voyageurs), Place G. Clemenceau, Mayenne has been booked.
They are offering us a three-course menu at €15 (excluding drinks) with a choice in each course :
salade de chèvres chauds OU terrine maison
plats principal
bavette d’aloyau frites maison OU poisson du jour
moelleux aux chocolat maison OU crème brûlée
Vegetarians: please advise on the booking form whether you eat fish, eggs, cheese or milk.
Planetarium :
This will be set up inside La Chapelle at La Visitation and seats 20.
So, numbers are limited! Book early.
The show with commentary lasts about one hour.
The astronomer (from L’Observatoire Populaire de Laval) who runs the Planetarium will set up a telescope outside the chapel, subject to the weather.
The restaurant is in the square with the fountains in the centre of Mayenne, and parking is not always easy.
You may want to consider parking at La Visitation and walking to the restaurant, about 0.5km or 5 minutes, as we shall later be at La Visitation for the show.
Cost/person & Booking
Dinner – €15 for a 3 course dinner.
Planetarium & telescope – €6/person.
Both are payable when you book
Please fill in a booking form to show whether you want to come for the meal, the planetarium or both.
Click here to download it.
Send your cheque, payable to EuroMayenne, with your booking form to:
Mme. E Mallinson
Le Bas Rocher
53240 St Jean sur Mayenne
to arrive no later than Friday 8 April.
Questions ?
Liz Mallinson 02 43 98 60 30 mallinsoncande@ gmail.com