2020-21 At a Glance


Planned EuroMayenne Monthly Activities

  •  Subject to change.
  • For further details of the whole year click here.
  • Full final details of each activity will be published at least one month in advance.
Month Day / Date Activity Organiser
September Saturday 26th Guided Visit to Parné-sur-Roc Valérie Masserot
October Saturday 24th 
Friday 30th
EuroMayenne Quiz Evening – SORRY POSTPONED
Lynn Chesters 
Nicole Devel-Laigle
November Friday 27th EuroMayenne Annual Dinner – SORRY POSTPONED Pam Davies
December Friday 11th Christmas Carol Evening – SORRY CANCELLED Lynn Chesters
January Thursday 7th 
Saturday 23rd
Galette des Rois, La Visitation – SORRY CANCELLED
Visit to Laval Cathedral & Les Cordeliers Church – SORRY POSTPONED
Paul & Eileen Climance 
Valérie Masserot
February Saturday 20th Visit to EcoMuseum (Madré) – SORRY POSTPONED Pam Davies
March Saturday 20th Visit to Slate Museum (Renazé) – SORRY POSTPONED Armelle Jamelot
April Saturday 24th Guided Visit to Historic Vitré – SORRY POSTPONED Pam Davies
May Saturday 30th Plant Swap & BBQ Lynn Chesters
June Saturday 12th (To be defined)

August Saturday 14th Riverboat Cruise & Lunch (Chateau-Gontier)
Nicole Devel-Laigle

Saturday 9th

AGM / EuroMayenne 30th Anniversary Celebration

Nicole Devel-Laigle

Contact details of the organisers

Name Phone Email
CHESTERS Lynn 02 43 02 57 71 contact@euromayenne.org
CLIMANCE Eileen & Paul 02 43 00 63 85 president@euromayenne.org
DAVIES Pam 02 43 00 87 17 contact@euromayenne.org
DEVEL-LAIGLE Nicole 06 73 71 96 52 president@euromayenne.org
MASSEROT  Valérie 02 43 26 05 31 masserot.valerie@orange.fr
JAMELOT Armelle 02 43 53 86 70 ajamelot@orange.fr

View the year on a map

Click on the icon to the left of the title “2020-2021 outings/sorties” for a listing, or simply on a marker on the map


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