Cookery – inactive



We are looking for a volunteer member to take over the running of this group – if you are interested, please click here to contact us.



Short reports of previous sessions can be seen by clicking here



The EuroMayenne cookery group –

We share a love of cooking !

Sometimes we meet at a member’s home to watch a demonstration of a favourite dish, followed by eating it! Here are some examples:

  • Chinese dishes,
  • how to bone a chicken,
  • making Indian curry,
  • a tasty recipe for poaching a whole fish,
  • selecting a wine to accompany various cheeses.
  • preparation of fruits de mer and choosing the Muscadet to go with it.
  • making fresh pasta and sauces and comparing Côtes du Rhone
  • baking choux pastry and tasting Alsace wines
  • cooking with yeast
  • Japanese cooking
  • making and decorating cup cakes
  • Couscous & Baklava
  • coffee
  • paella and churros
  • crumpets, Welsh cakes and scones

Then other times we visit somewhere of interest (often in French, but one of us will translate if necessary). We have seen:

  • a demonstration of hors d’oeuvres preparation
  • sausage making at a pig farm
  • a restaurant chef’s masterclass
  • Rennes market
  • a chef’s demonstration in Bagnoles de l’Orne
  • a snail farm

For more details see our archive


We try to meet on different days of the week so that those with other weekly commitments are not prevented from attending.


Likewise we spread the location of our meetings around the department as much as possible so that it is not always the same people who have to travel the furthest!


When we meet at member’s homes, the total cost of all ingredients is divided between those attending. If we go on a visit, the cost is just that charged by the organisation, payable on the day.

Contact for the cookery group:


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